Village Cemetery - Then and Now

Good morning and Happy Birthday America,

I took a trip to the Village Cemetery to locate the site of a photo that I processed for the New Ipswich Historical Society.  Surprisingly it was fairly easy to spot on the hill overlooking the pond. The striking thing about the original photo is the condition of the limestone gravestones. Years of acid and pollution have etched the epitaphs and discolored the stone. Most of the ironwork was still in place except for the right side.

Village Cemetery Glass Negative (Undated, probably about 100 years ago)
Village Cemetery - July 3, 2016

Intricate ironwork

One of the fence sides has collapsed and appears to be reclaimed by the earth

To process these negatives I decided I would have better results using a camera instead of my flatbed scanner.I'm using a LED Tracing Light Pad which provides a very even back light. It's an interesting mix of technologies using the old and new.


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