The Little Red Schoolhouse

The Little Red School House located in New Canaan, CT was Connecticut's last operating one-room schoolhouse. My cousin's husband attended the school and took us for a tour in October of 2006.

Opening its doors in 1868, this Carter Street treasure was Connecticut’s last operating one-room schoolhouse when it closed in 1957. Acquired by the Society in 2003, it was restored thanks to the generous support of Society members, nonprofit groups, former students and friends.
Longtime Schoolmistress Mary J. Kelley, who studied there in the 1890s and went on to earn a teaching certificate, was a “loving but strict” presence there for 47 years. The Kelley family home is just a stone’s throw from her classroom.
Like the Rock School, the small room centered around the pot-bellied stove, with rows of slanted desks screwed to the wood-plank floor. Some 30 children from first through fifth grades received instruction under the watchful eyes of Miss Kelley. Former students recall that she encouraged independent study, offered remedial lessons and provided individual instruction.
Each day began with the flag-raising and Bible readings. In fact, Miss Kelley’s core values centered on prayer, patriotism and discipline. But fun was built into the day as well: Old-fashioned games, nature walks, and marching around the room with a book on your head to practice posture. - New Canaan Historical Society
My mom taught third grade in Connecticut and couldn't resist taking a seat at the desk

No bottleed water for the students

Grace and Abby try out the desks

Word Processor

Teachers Corner

Mary J. Kelley taught when Steve was a student

Music appreciation

Life's lessons depicted on a series of Aesop Fable illustrations

Steve recounts gathering wood for the pot bellied stove in winter

Persuasion over force

Cursive lettering, I could never master the capital Q

Desks were screwed to the floor

Old Map

This reminds me of my own elementary school

The Little Red Schoolhouse - Carter Street, New Canaan


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